wrapping up a night. there isn't enough consistent improvement to merit using this method. i must have a bug somewhere.
2010-04-29 23:29:35 -06:00 |
Stephen Mardson McQuay
working on the containing simplex problem. the get containing simplex function works, if the point is in the domain. I am trying to force the domain to contain the point (placing points along perimiter of the mesh). I am not doing that right, but have to run
rename : bin/qhull-029.txt => data/qhull-029.txt
rename : bin/qhull-029.txt.gv => data/qhull-029.txt.gv
2010-04-24 18:26:44 -06:00 |
Stephen Mardson McQuay
working on the guarantee simplex routine. I have a test case to try it out against, and need to look at visiting neighbors of faces adjacent to points.
2010-04-23 16:29:31 -06:00 |
Stephen Mardson McQuay
trying to guarantee a containing simplex
2010-04-23 09:58:30 -06:00 |
Stephen Mardson McQuay
putting together a simple test case so that I can test my quad/cubic interpolator
2010-03-20 17:10:02 -06:00 |
Stephen Mardson McQuay
properly catching the LinAlgError. also, prepping to change the run_baker method (more generic)
2010-03-20 11:34:24 -06:00 |
Stephen Mardson McQuay
working on implementing the cubic interpolation. need to split that routine out of the run_baker method
2010-03-19 21:27:51 -06:00 |
Stephen Mardson McQuay
i think part of my problem (why i'm not always getting win), is that i do not guarantee that the simplex contains the point (especially with the random clounds; i think that the connectivity-based lookup is doing that fine
2010-03-18 23:50:40 -06:00 |
Stephen Mardson McQuay
added files. still not consistently getting better numbers
2010-03-18 23:32:24 -06:00 |