added files. still not consistently getting better numbers

This commit is contained in:
Stephen Mardson McQuay 2010-03-18 23:32:24 -06:00
parent b33159f8a9
commit 9836fdcbfe
7 changed files with 313 additions and 0 deletions

bin/ Executable file
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@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
import sys
from grid.DDD import simple_random_grid
from baker import get_phis_3D, run_baker_3D
from import exact_func_3D
total_points = int(sys.argv[1])
total_points = 100
g = simple_random_grid(total_points)
open('/tmp/for_qhull.txt', 'w').write(g.for_qhull())
X = [0.5, 0.3, 0.4]
R, S = g.get_simplex_and_nearest_points(X, extra_points = 3, simplex_size=4)
print "R", R
print "S", S
exact = exact_func_3D(X)
print "exact solution: %0.6f" % exact
print "phi values: ", get_phis_3D(X, R.points)
r = run_baker_3D(X, R, S)
print 'qlin' , r['qlin']
print 'error', r['error']
print 'final', r['final']
if abs(r['final'] - exact) <= abs(r['qlin'] - exact):
print "win"
print "failure"

lib/grid/ Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
from grid import grid
from import exact_func
import numpy as np
class simple_rect_grid(grid):
def __init__(self, xres = 5, yres = 5):
xmin = -1.0
xmax = 1.0
xspan = xmax - xmin
xdel = xspan / float(xres - 1)
ymin = -1.0
ymay = 1.0
yspan = ymay - ymin
ydel = yspan / float(yres - 1)
points = []
q = []
for x in xrange(xres):
cur_x = xmin + (x * xdel)
for y in xrange(yres):
cur_y = ymin + (y * ydel)
points.append([cur_x, cur_y])
q.append(exact_func(cur_x, cur_y))
grid.__init__(self, points, q)
def for_qhull_generator(self):
this returns a generator that should be fed into qdelaunay
yield '2';
yield '%d' % len(self.points)
for p in self.points:
yield "%f %f" % (p[0], p[1])
def for_qhull(self):
this returns a single string that should be fed into qdelaunay
r = '2\n'
r += '%d\n' % len(self.points)
for p in self.points:
r += "%f %f\n" % (p[0], p[1])
return r
class simple_random_grid(simple_rect_grid):
def __init__(self, num_points = 10):
points = []
q = []
r = np.random
for i in xrange(num_points):
cur_x = r.rand()
cur_y = r.rand()
points.append([cur_x, cur_y])
q.append(exact_func(cur_x, cur_y))
grid.__init__(self, points, q)
self.points = np.array(self.points)
self.q = np.array(self.q)

lib/grid/ Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
from grid import grid
from import exact_func_3D
import numpy as np
class simple_rect_grid(grid):
def __init__(self, xres = 5, yres = 5, zres = 5):
xmin = -1.0
xmax = 1.0
xspan = xmax - xmin
xdel = xspan / float(xres - 1)
ymin = -1.0
ymay = 1.0
yspan = ymay - ymin
ydel = yspan / float(yres - 1)
zmin = -1.0
zmaz = 1.0
zspan = zmaz - zmin
zdel = zspan / float(zres - 1)
points = []
q = []
for x in xrange(xres):
cur_x = xmin + (x * xdel)
for y in xrange(yres):
cur_y = ymin + (y * ydel)
for z in xrange(zres):
cur_z = zmin + (z * zdel)
points.append([cur_x, cur_y, cur_z])
q.append(exact_func_3D((cur_x, cur_y, cur_z)))
grid.__init__(self, points, q)
# self.construct_connectivity()
def for_qhull_generator(self):
this returns a generator that should be fed into qdelaunay
yield '3';
yield '%d' % len(self.points)
for p in self.points:
yield "%f %f %f" % tuple(p)
def for_qhull(self):
this returns a single string that should be fed into qdelaunay
r = '3\n'
r += '%d\n' % len(self.points)
for p in self.points:
r += "%f %f %f\n" % tuple(p)
return r
class simple_random_grid(simple_rect_grid):
def __init__(self, num_points = 10):
points = []
q = []
r = np.random
for i in xrange(num_points):
cur_x = r.rand()
cur_y = r.rand()
cur_z = r.rand()
points.append([cur_x, cur_y, cur_z])
q.append(exact_func_3D((cur_x, cur_y, cur_z)))
grid.__init__(self, points, q)
self.points = np.array(self.points)
self.q = np.array(self.q)

lib/grid/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
from baker import get_phis
class face(object):
def __init__(self, name): = name
self.verts = []
self.neighbors = []
def add_vert(self, v):
v should be an index into grid.points
def add_neighbor(self, n):
reference to another face object
def contains(self, X, grid):
R = [grid.points[i] for i in self.verts]
phis = get_phis(X, R)
r = True
if [i for i in phis if i < 0.0]:
r = False
return r
def __str__(self):
neighbors = [ for i in self.neighbors]
return '%s: verts: %s neighbors: [%s]' %\
", ".join(neighbors)

test/ Executable file
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@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
import unittest
import baker
import grid
import numpy as np
import scipy.spatial
class TestSequenceFunctions(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
self.X = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
self.r = [
[0.0, 0.0, 1.0],
[0.94280904333606508, 0.0, -0.3333333283722672],
[-0.47140452166803232, 0.81649658244673617, -0.3333333283722672],
[-0.47140452166803298, -0.81649658244673584, -0.3333333283722672],
self.q = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 4]
def testGetPhis3D(self):
result = [round(i, 5) for i in baker.get_phis_3D(self.X, self.r)]
right_answer = [round(i, 5) for i in [0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25]]
self.assertEqual(result, right_answer)
def testQlinear3D(self):
phi, result = baker.qlinear_3D(self.X, grid.grid(self.r, self.q))
result = round(result, 5)
right_answer = round(1.0, 5)
self.assertEqual(result, right_answer)
if __name__ == '__main__':
suite = unittest.TestLoader().loadTestsFromTestCase(TestSequenceFunctions)

tools/blender/ Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
from Blender import *
import bpy
import math
phiaa = -19.471220333
r = 1.0
phia = math.pi * phiaa / 180.0
the120 = math.pi * 120.0 / 180.0
v = [[0,0,0], [0,0,0], [0,0,0], [0,0,0]]
v[0][0] = 0.0
v[0][1] = 0.0
v[0][2] = r
the = 0.0
for i in range(1,4):
v[i][0] = r * math.cos(the) * math.cos(phia)
v[i][1] = r * math.sin(the) * math.cos(phia)
v[i][2] = r * math.sin(phia)
the = the + the120
print v
# map vertices to 4 faces
f = []
f.append([0, 1, 2])
f.append([0, 2, 3])
f.append([0, 3, 1])
f.append([1, 2, 3])
me ='points')
me.verts.extend([i for i in v])
me.faces.extend([i for i in f])
scn =
ob =, 'points_obj')

View File

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
from Blender import *
import bpy
from grid.test3d import simple_rect_grid
g = simple_rect_grid(10, 10, 20)
me ='points')
# me.faces.extend([i.verts for i in p.faces.itervalues()])
scn =
ob =, 'points_obj')