forked from sm/vain
Stephen McQuay (smcquay) 4fb9e35a17
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2016-06-04 10:47:26 -07:00

372 lines
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// Package reflectx implements extensions to the standard reflect lib suitable
// for implementing marshaling and unmarshaling packages. The main Mapper type
// allows for Go-compatible named attribute access, including accessing embedded
// struct attributes and the ability to use functions and struct tags to
// customize field names.
package reflectx
import (
// A FieldInfo is a collection of metadata about a struct field.
type FieldInfo struct {
Index []int
Path string
Field reflect.StructField
Zero reflect.Value
Name string
Options map[string]string
Embedded bool
Children []*FieldInfo
Parent *FieldInfo
// A StructMap is an index of field metadata for a struct.
type StructMap struct {
Tree *FieldInfo
Index []*FieldInfo
Paths map[string]*FieldInfo
Names map[string]*FieldInfo
// GetByPath returns a *FieldInfo for a given string path.
func (f StructMap) GetByPath(path string) *FieldInfo {
return f.Paths[path]
// GetByTraversal returns a *FieldInfo for a given integer path. It is
// analogous to reflect.FieldByIndex.
func (f StructMap) GetByTraversal(index []int) *FieldInfo {
if len(index) == 0 {
return nil
tree := f.Tree
for _, i := range index {
if i >= len(tree.Children) || tree.Children[i] == nil {
return nil
tree = tree.Children[i]
return tree
// Mapper is a general purpose mapper of names to struct fields. A Mapper
// behaves like most marshallers, optionally obeying a field tag for name
// mapping and a function to provide a basic mapping of fields to names.
type Mapper struct {
cache map[reflect.Type]*StructMap
tagName string
tagMapFunc func(string) string
mapFunc func(string) string
mutex sync.Mutex
// NewMapper returns a new mapper which optionally obeys the field tag given
// by tagName. If tagName is the empty string, it is ignored.
func NewMapper(tagName string) *Mapper {
return &Mapper{
cache: make(map[reflect.Type]*StructMap),
tagName: tagName,
// NewMapperTagFunc returns a new mapper which contains a mapper for field names
// AND a mapper for tag values. This is useful for tags like json which can
// have values like "name,omitempty".
func NewMapperTagFunc(tagName string, mapFunc, tagMapFunc func(string) string) *Mapper {
return &Mapper{
cache: make(map[reflect.Type]*StructMap),
tagName: tagName,
mapFunc: mapFunc,
tagMapFunc: tagMapFunc,
// NewMapperFunc returns a new mapper which optionally obeys a field tag and
// a struct field name mapper func given by f. Tags will take precedence, but
// for any other field, the mapped name will be f(field.Name)
func NewMapperFunc(tagName string, f func(string) string) *Mapper {
return &Mapper{
cache: make(map[reflect.Type]*StructMap),
tagName: tagName,
mapFunc: f,
// TypeMap returns a mapping of field strings to int slices representing
// the traversal down the struct to reach the field.
func (m *Mapper) TypeMap(t reflect.Type) *StructMap {
mapping, ok := m.cache[t]
if !ok {
mapping = getMapping(t, m.tagName, m.mapFunc, m.tagMapFunc)
m.cache[t] = mapping
return mapping
// FieldMap returns the mapper's mapping of field names to reflect values. Panics
// if v's Kind is not Struct, or v is not Indirectable to a struct kind.
func (m *Mapper) FieldMap(v reflect.Value) map[string]reflect.Value {
v = reflect.Indirect(v)
mustBe(v, reflect.Struct)
r := map[string]reflect.Value{}
tm := m.TypeMap(v.Type())
for tagName, fi := range tm.Names {
r[tagName] = FieldByIndexes(v, fi.Index)
return r
// FieldByName returns a field by the its mapped name as a reflect.Value.
// Panics if v's Kind is not Struct or v is not Indirectable to a struct Kind.
// Returns zero Value if the name is not found.
func (m *Mapper) FieldByName(v reflect.Value, name string) reflect.Value {
v = reflect.Indirect(v)
mustBe(v, reflect.Struct)
tm := m.TypeMap(v.Type())
fi, ok := tm.Names[name]
if !ok {
return v
return FieldByIndexes(v, fi.Index)
// FieldsByName returns a slice of values corresponding to the slice of names
// for the value. Panics if v's Kind is not Struct or v is not Indirectable
// to a struct Kind. Returns zero Value for each name not found.
func (m *Mapper) FieldsByName(v reflect.Value, names []string) []reflect.Value {
v = reflect.Indirect(v)
mustBe(v, reflect.Struct)
tm := m.TypeMap(v.Type())
vals := make([]reflect.Value, 0, len(names))
for _, name := range names {
fi, ok := tm.Names[name]
if !ok {
vals = append(vals, *new(reflect.Value))
} else {
vals = append(vals, FieldByIndexes(v, fi.Index))
return vals
// TraversalsByName returns a slice of int slices which represent the struct
// traversals for each mapped name. Panics if t is not a struct or Indirectable
// to a struct. Returns empty int slice for each name not found.
func (m *Mapper) TraversalsByName(t reflect.Type, names []string) [][]int {
t = Deref(t)
mustBe(t, reflect.Struct)
tm := m.TypeMap(t)
r := make([][]int, 0, len(names))
for _, name := range names {
fi, ok := tm.Names[name]
if !ok {
r = append(r, []int{})
} else {
r = append(r, fi.Index)
return r
// FieldByIndexes returns a value for a particular struct traversal.
func FieldByIndexes(v reflect.Value, indexes []int) reflect.Value {
for _, i := range indexes {
v = reflect.Indirect(v).Field(i)
// if this is a pointer, it's possible it is nil
if v.Kind() == reflect.Ptr && v.IsNil() {
alloc := reflect.New(Deref(v.Type()))
if v.Kind() == reflect.Map && v.IsNil() {
return v
// FieldByIndexesReadOnly returns a value for a particular struct traversal,
// but is not concerned with allocating nil pointers because the value is
// going to be used for reading and not setting.
func FieldByIndexesReadOnly(v reflect.Value, indexes []int) reflect.Value {
for _, i := range indexes {
v = reflect.Indirect(v).Field(i)
return v
// Deref is Indirect for reflect.Types
func Deref(t reflect.Type) reflect.Type {
if t.Kind() == reflect.Ptr {
t = t.Elem()
return t
// -- helpers & utilities --
type kinder interface {
Kind() reflect.Kind
// mustBe checks a value against a kind, panicing with a reflect.ValueError
// if the kind isn't that which is required.
func mustBe(v kinder, expected reflect.Kind) {
k := v.Kind()
if k != expected {
panic(&reflect.ValueError{Method: methodName(), Kind: k})
// methodName is returns the caller of the function calling methodName
func methodName() string {
pc, _, _, _ := runtime.Caller(2)
f := runtime.FuncForPC(pc)
if f == nil {
return "unknown method"
return f.Name()
type typeQueue struct {
t reflect.Type
fi *FieldInfo
pp string // Parent path
// A copying append that creates a new slice each time.
func apnd(is []int, i int) []int {
x := make([]int, len(is)+1)
for p, n := range is {
x[p] = n
x[len(x)-1] = i
return x
// getMapping returns a mapping for the t type, using the tagName, mapFunc and
// tagMapFunc to determine the canonical names of fields.
func getMapping(t reflect.Type, tagName string, mapFunc, tagMapFunc func(string) string) *StructMap {
m := []*FieldInfo{}
root := &FieldInfo{}
queue := []typeQueue{}
queue = append(queue, typeQueue{Deref(t), root, ""})
for len(queue) != 0 {
// pop the first item off of the queue
tq := queue[0]
queue = queue[1:]
nChildren := 0
if tq.t.Kind() == reflect.Struct {
nChildren = tq.t.NumField()
tq.fi.Children = make([]*FieldInfo, nChildren)
// iterate through all of its fields
for fieldPos := 0; fieldPos < nChildren; fieldPos++ {
f := tq.t.Field(fieldPos)
fi := FieldInfo{}
fi.Field = f
fi.Zero = reflect.New(f.Type).Elem()
fi.Options = map[string]string{}
var tag, name string
if tagName != "" && strings.Contains(string(f.Tag), tagName+":") {
tag = f.Tag.Get(tagName)
name = tag
} else {
if mapFunc != nil {
name = mapFunc(f.Name)
parts := strings.Split(name, ",")
if len(parts) > 1 {
name = parts[0]
for _, opt := range parts[1:] {
kv := strings.Split(opt, "=")
if len(kv) > 1 {
fi.Options[kv[0]] = kv[1]
} else {
fi.Options[kv[0]] = ""
if tagMapFunc != nil {
tag = tagMapFunc(tag)
fi.Name = name
if tq.pp == "" || (tq.pp == "" && tag == "") {
fi.Path = fi.Name
} else {
fi.Path = fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s", tq.pp, fi.Name)
// if the name is "-", disabled via a tag, skip it
if name == "-" {
// skip unexported fields
if len(f.PkgPath) != 0 && !f.Anonymous {
// bfs search of anonymous embedded structs
if f.Anonymous {
pp := tq.pp
if tag != "" {
pp = fi.Path
fi.Embedded = true
fi.Index = apnd(tq.fi.Index, fieldPos)
nChildren := 0
ft := Deref(f.Type)
if ft.Kind() == reflect.Struct {
nChildren = ft.NumField()
fi.Children = make([]*FieldInfo, nChildren)
queue = append(queue, typeQueue{Deref(f.Type), &fi, pp})
} else if fi.Zero.Kind() == reflect.Struct || (fi.Zero.Kind() == reflect.Ptr && fi.Zero.Type().Elem().Kind() == reflect.Struct) {
fi.Index = apnd(tq.fi.Index, fieldPos)
fi.Children = make([]*FieldInfo, Deref(f.Type).NumField())
queue = append(queue, typeQueue{Deref(f.Type), &fi, fi.Path})
fi.Index = apnd(tq.fi.Index, fieldPos)
fi.Parent = tq.fi
tq.fi.Children[fieldPos] = &fi
m = append(m, &fi)
flds := &StructMap{Index: m, Tree: root, Paths: map[string]*FieldInfo{}, Names: map[string]*FieldInfo{}}
for _, fi := range flds.Index {
flds.Paths[fi.Path] = fi
if fi.Name != "" && !fi.Embedded {
flds.Names[fi.Path] = fi
return flds