Derek McQuay dm
Updated 2024-06-20 12:45:01 -07:00
Updated 2024-06-20 12:45:01 -07:00
Updated 2024-06-20 12:45:00 -07:00
Working through exercises in "The Go Programming Language."
Updated 2024-06-20 12:45:00 -07:00
A simple, cross-platform system package manager.
Updated 2024-06-20 12:45:00 -07:00
Updated 2024-06-20 12:44:59 -07:00
A simple command line REPL (read-eval-print loop) that drives a simple in-memory key/value storage system.
Updated 2024-06-20 12:44:59 -07:00
Budget planning and logging.
Updated 2024-06-20 12:44:59 -07:00
Updated 2024-06-20 12:44:59 -07:00
calculate checksums
Updated 2024-06-20 12:44:59 -07:00
apprenda take home assessment
Updated 2024-06-20 12:44:59 -07:00
json network pipe for robot soccer
Updated 2024-06-20 12:44:59 -07:00
Updated 2024-06-20 12:44:59 -07:00
confirms your hunch that the phrase of which you're thinking is already in urban dictionary
Updated 2024-06-20 12:44:59 -07:00
Contains the source code from the course work throughout my undergraduate Computer Engineering degree at Brigham Young University. There is a mixture of Go, Python, C, C++, Java, VHDL, Verilog, Matlab, Bash, Assembly, etc..
Updated 2024-06-20 12:44:58 -07:00