Updated file so that it could pass pep8/pyflakes

- left in borked state
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Stephen M. McQuay 2012-05-07 23:19:54 -06:00
parent ef9485f8a6
commit a083621d35
1 changed files with 44 additions and 50 deletions

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@ -1,26 +1,22 @@
from surf.geometry import Vertex, Edge, Face, Polygon
from copy import deepcopy
import pprint
from surf.geometry import Vertex, Edge, Polygon
def mid_point(edge):
vertex_objs = [edge.vertices[v_id] for v_id in edge.vertices]
return sum(vertex_objs, Vertex()) / len(self.vertices)
def sub_edges(self):
temp_p = Polygon()
temp_p.edges = [Edge(), Edge()]
# temp_p.vertices =
# temp_p.vertices =
sub_edges[0].vertices = [self.vertices[0], self.edge_vertex]
sub_edges[1].vertices = [self.edge_vertex, self.vertices[1]]
return self.__sub_edges
def centroid(face, poly):
# gather all face vertex coords
face_vertices = face.vertices
xs = [vertex.x for vertex in face_vertices]
ys = [vertex.y for vertex in face_vertices]
zs = [vertex.z for vertex in face_vertices]
@ -29,17 +25,17 @@ def centroid(face, poly):
x = sum(xs) / len(xs)
y = sum(ys) / len(ys)
z = sum(zs) / len(zs)
return Vertex(poly, x, y, z)
def edge_divide(edge, poly):
Set each edge vertices to be the average of the two neighboring
face vertices and its two original end vertices.
edge_ids = poly.edge_ids_with_parent(edge.id)
if edge_ids:
return edge_ids
@ -52,49 +48,52 @@ def edge_divide(edge, poly):
for vertex in edge.vertices:
x = sum(xs) / len(xs)
y = sum(ys) / len(ys)
z = sum(zs) / len(zs)
e0 = Edge(poly)
e1 = Edge(poly)
edge_vertex = Vertex(poly, x, y, z)
edge_vertex.edge_ids = [e0.id, e1.id]
e0.vertex_ids = [edge.vertices[0].id, edge_vertex.id]
e1.vertex_ids = [edge_vertex.id, edge.vertices[1].id]
e0.edge_ids = edge.winged_edges_at_vertex(0)
e1.edge_ids = edge.winged_edges_at_vertex(1)
e0.parent_id = edge.id
e1.parent_id = edge.id
# add all these to the new polygon
return e0.id, e1.id, edge_vertex.id
def sub_faces(self):
return sub_faces()
def interior_edges(self):
return self.__interior_edges
def setup_sub_divisions(polygon, face):
v0 ev0 v1
@ -107,19 +106,16 @@ def setup_sub_divisions(polygon, face):
v3 ev2 v2
# create empty sub_faces that will be filled with edge references
# below
# these need to at least exist so the interior edges have
# something to reference
sub_faces = [Face(polygon) for edge in face.edge_ids]
# sub_faces = [Face(polygon) for edge in face.edge_ids]
# set up empty edge objects to be filled below
interior_edges = [Edge(polygon) for edge in face.edge_ids]
# interior_edges = [Edge(polygon) for edge in face.edge_ids]
# # each interior edge connects the exterior edge vertex (mid-point)
# # to the faceVertex (centroid)
@ -176,18 +172,20 @@ def setup_sub_divisions(polygon, face):
# self.__sub_faces[index])
def subdivide_face(poly, face):
# '''
# '''
# # find face centroid
# fc = face.centroid
# # find edge vertices
# for edge in face.edges:
# x, y, z = edge_mid_vertex(edge)
def refine(poly):
For each face, add a face vertex
@ -203,56 +201,52 @@ def refine(poly):
edges touching P, where each edge midvertex is the average of its two
endvertex vertices. Move each original vertex to the vertex
# create a new storage container for the items
new_poly = Polygon()
# for now just test with the first face
start_face = poly.faces[0]
# go through the face vertices and add them to the new polygon
for vertex in start_face.vertices:
# truly, this needs to be a 'copy' of the vertex, I'll fix that later
# find the face centroid
# and add the face centroid to the new polygon
start_centroid = centroid(start_face, new_poly)
# for each edge on the face,
# for each edge on the face,
for edge in start_face.edges:
# divide that edge into two new edges with an edge vertex
# set their parent object as the original edge
new_e0_id, new_e1_id, edge_v_id = edge_divide(edge, new_poly)
# create a new edge connecting the centroid to the edge_vertex
centroid_to_edge = Edge(new_poly)
# set the new edge's vertex references
centroid_to_edge.vertex_ids = [edge_v_id, start_centroid.id]
# set the new edge's winged_edge references
centroid_to_edge.edge_ids = poly.edges ==> get edge by id not yet implemented... edge_v_id.edges
# centroid_to_edge.edge_ids = poly.edges ==> get edge by id not yet implemented... edge_v_id.edges
# set the edge vertex edge references
# set the centroid's edge reference
# now walk through the edges connected to the centroid
# need to get an adjacent edge, based on the the shared vertex of the
# original polygon... centroid to edge_vertex to shared point...
# start_face.neighbors
# f = sum(list(
# set(face_vertices)), Vertex()) / len(list(set(face_vertices)))
# r = sum(list(