2012-03-19 21:18:02 -07:00
from surf . geometry import Vertex , Polygon
2012-03-19 19:38:40 -07:00
def refine ( poly ) :
For each face , add a face vertex
Set each face vertex to be the centroid of all original vertices for the respective face .
For each edge , add an edge vertex .
Set each edge vertex to be the average of the two neighbouring face vertices and its two original endvertices .
For each face vertex , add an edge for every edge of the face , connecting the face vertex to each edge vertex for the face .
For each original vertex P , take the average F of all n face vertices for faces touching P , and take the average R of all n edge midvertices for edges touching P , where each edge midvertex is the average of its two endvertex vertices . Move each original vertex to the vertex
# each face knows how to subdivide and create a set of subfaces, including interior edges and setup their references correctly... <- not completely finished...
p = Polygon ( )
edges = [ ]
vertices = [ ]
faces = [ ]
for face in poly . faces :
for subFace in face . subFaces :
faces . append ( subFace )
for edge in subFace . edges :
edges . append ( edge )
for vertex in edge . vertices :
vertices . append ( vertex )
newVertices = [ ]
for vertex in poly . vertices :
faceVertices = [ ]
edgeMidPoints = [ ]
for edge in vertex . edges :
edgeMidPoints . append ( edge . midPoint )
for face in edge . faces :
faceVertices . append ( face . centroid )
f = sum ( list ( set ( faceVertices ) ) , Vertex ( ) ) / len ( list ( set ( faceVertices ) ) )
r = sum ( list ( set ( edgeMidPoints ) ) , Vertex ( ) ) / len ( list ( set ( edgeMidPoints ) ) )
p = vertex
n = len ( vertex . edges )
v = ( f + 2.0 * r + ( n - 3.0 ) * p ) / n
newVertices . append ( v )
for vertex , newVertex in zip ( poly . vertices , newVertices ) :
vertex . x = newVertex . x
vertex . y = newVertex . y
vertex . z = newVertex . z
# so now what.........
# (F + 2R + (n-3) P) / n
# F = average of all face vertices touching P
# R = average of all edge vertices touching P
# P original point
# n = number of edges connecting to P
p . faces = faces
p . vertices = vertices
p . edges = edges
# plotting these in excel seems to show the correct values (at first glace...)
# so now what.........
# (F + 2R + (n-3) P) / n
# F = average of all face vertices touching P
# R = average of all edge vertices touching P
# P original point
# n = face vertices or edge vertices (should be the same number)
return Polygon ( vertices , edges , faces )