Stephen Mardson McQuay 484e65f4f3 changed the way I am using gnuplot so that it works in LaTeX
rename : plots/timing/3D/time.onering.plt => plots/timing/3D/onering.plt
rename : plots/timing/time.onering.plt => plots/timing/timing.aggregate.plt
2011-05-29 13:42:37 -06:00

16 lines
392 B

load '../../main.plt'
set key left top
set title "2-D Interpolation Timing Data, Order 3"
set xlabel "Number of Extra Points, S_k"
set ylabel "Average Interpolation Time (s)"
set yrange [0.0:0.08]
plot 'time.out' u 1:3 t 'Resolution 1' w lp, \
'' u 1:7 t 'Resolution 2' w lp, \
'' u 1:11 t 'Resolution 3' w lp, \
'' u 1:15 t 'Resolution 4' w lp;