Stephen Mardson McQuay a3d72ed200 wrote the method that returns grid objects based on connectivity
I'm going to hurry and clean up this method, but for now it is verbose, and uses sets. i'm going to just check it in for future reference
2010-02-21 20:42:32 -07:00

274 lines
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Executable File

import sys
import re
from collections import defaultdict
import numpy as np
import scipy.spatial
from baker import run_baker, get_phis
from tools import exact_func
from smcqdelaunay import *
class face(object):
def __init__(self, name): = name
self.verts = []
self.neighbors = []
def add_vert(self, v):
v should be an index into grid.points
def add_neighbor(self, n):
reference to another face object
def contains(self, X, grid):
R = [grid.points[i] for i in self.verts]
phis = get_phis(X, R)
r = True
if [i for i in phis if i < 0.0]:
r = False
return r
def __str__(self):
neighbors = [ for i in self.neighbors]
return '%s: verts: %s neighbors: [%s]' %\
", ".join(neighbors)
class grid(object):
facet_re = re.compile(r'''
neighboring\s facets:\s+(?P<neigh>[\sf\d]*)
''', re.S|re.X)
point_re = re.compile(r'''
''', re.S|re.X)
vert_re = re.compile(r'''
''', re.S|re.X)
def __init__(self, points, q):
this thing eats two pre-constructed arrays of stuff:
points = array of arrays (i will convert to numpy.array)
[[x0,y0], [x1,y1], ...]
q = array (1D) of important values
self.points = np.array(points)
self.q = np.array(q)
self.tree = scipy.spatial.KDTree(self.points)
self.faces = {}
self.facets_for_point = defaultdict(list)
def create_mesh(self, indicies):
p = [self.points[i] for i in indicies]
q = [self.q[i] for i in indicies]
return grid(p, q)
def get_simplex_and_nearest_points(self, X, extra_points = 3, simplex_size = 3):
this returns two grid objects: R and S.
R is a grid object that is the (a) containing simplex around point X
S is S_j from baker's paper : some points from all point that are not the simplex
(dist, indicies) = self.tree.query(X, 3 + extra_points)
# get the containing simplex
r_mesh = self.create_mesh(indicies[:simplex_size])
# and some extra points
s_mesh = self.create_mesh(indicies[simplex_size:])
return (r_mesh, s_mesh)
def get_points_conn(self, X):
this returns two grid objects: R and S.
R is a grid object that is the (a) containing simplex around point X
S is a connectivity-based nearest-neighbor lookup, limited to 3 extra points
if not self.faces:
(dist, indicies) = self.tree.query(X, 2)
smplx = None
for i in self.facets_for_point[indicies[0]]:
if i.contains(X, self):
smplx = i
if not smplx:
raise AssertionError('no containing simplex found')
print "containing verts:", smplx.verts
smplx_set = set(smplx.verts)
R = self.create_mesh(smplx.verts)
s = []
for c,i in enumerate(smplx.neighbors):
print "neighbor %d: %s: %s" % (c,, i.verts)
st = set(i.verts)
s.append((st - smplx_set).pop())
# s.append( [guy for guy in i.verts if not guy in smplx.verts])
print s
S = self.create_mesh(s)
print S
return R, S
def run_baker(self, X):
(R, S) = self.get_simplex_and_nearest_points(X)
return run_baker(X, R, S)
def construct_connectivity(self):
a call to this method prepares the internal connectivity structure.
this is part of the __init__ for a simple_rect_grid, but can be called from any grid object
qdelaunay_string = get_qdelaunay_dump_str(self)
facet_to_facets = []
for matcher in grid.facet_re.finditer(qdelaunay_string):
d = matcher.groupdict()
facet_name = d['facet']
verticies = d['verts']
neighboring_facets = d['neigh']
cur_face = face(facet_name)
self.faces[facet_name] = cur_face
for v in grid.vert_re.findall(verticies):
vertex_index = int(v[1:])
nghbrs = [(facet_name, i) for i in neighboring_facets.split()]
for rel in facet_to_facets:
if rel[1] in self.faces:
# for matcher in grid.point_re.finditer(qdelaunay_string):
# d = matcher.groupdict()
# point = d['point']
# neighboring_facets = d['neigh']
# self.facets_for_point[int(point[1:])] = [i for i in neighboring_facets.split() if i in self.faces]
def for_qhull_generator(self):
this returns a generator that should be fed into qdelaunay
yield '2';
yield '%d' % len(self.points)
for p in self.points:
yield "%f %f" % (p[0], p[1])
def for_qhull(self):
this returns a single string that should be fed into qdelaunay
r = '2\n'
r += '%d\n' % len(self.points)
for p in self.points:
r += "%f %f\n" % (p[0], p[1])
return r
def __str__(self):
r = ''
assert( len(self.points) == len(self.q) )
for c, i in enumerate(zip(self.points, self.q)):
r += "%d %r: %0.4f" % (c,i[0], i[1])
facet_str = ", ".join([ for f in self.facets_for_point[c]])
r += " faces: [%s]" % facet_str
r += "\n"
if self.faces:
for v in self.faces.itervalues():
r += "%s\n" % v
return r
class simple_rect_grid(grid):
def __init__(self, xres = 5, yres = 5):
xmin = -1.0
xmax = 1.0
xspan = xmax - xmin
xdel = xspan / float(xres - 1)
ymin = -1.0
ymay = 1.0
yspan = ymay - ymin
ydel = yspan / float(yres - 1)
points = []
q = []
for x in xrange(xres):
cur_x = xmin + (x * xdel)
for y in xrange(yres):
cur_y = ymin + (y * ydel)
points.append([cur_x, cur_y])
q.append(exact_func(cur_x, cur_y))
grid.__init__(self, points, q)
class simple_random_grid(simple_rect_grid):
def __init__(self, num_points = 10):
points = []
q = []
r = np.random
for i in xrange(num_points):
cur_x = r.rand()
cur_y = r.rand()
points.append([cur_x, cur_y])
q.append(exact_func(cur_x, cur_y))
grid.__init__(self, points, q)
self.points = np.array(self.points)
self.q = np.array(self.q)
if __name__ == '__main__':
resolution = int(sys.argv[1])
resolution = 10
g = simple_rect_grid(resolution, resolution)
print g.for_qhull()