
53 lines
2.3 KiB
Executable File

import sys
from optparse import OptionParser
import numpy as np
import scipy.spatial
import baker
from tools import rms, get_mesh, exact_func
if __name__ == '__main__':
parser = OptionParser()
parser.add_option("-o", "--output-file", dest="output", type='str', default = '/tmp/for_qhull.txt', help = "qhull output file")
parser.add_option("-e", "--extra-points", dest="extra", type='int', default = 3, help = "how many extra points")
parser.add_option("-s", "--source-total", dest="source_total", type='int', default = 100, help = "total number of source points for random, resolution for structured")
parser.add_option("-d", "--destination-total", dest="destination_total", type='int', default = 100, help = "total number of destination points, resolution for structured")
parser.add_option("-r", "--structured", action = 'store_true', default = False, help = "use a structured grid instead of random point cloud")
parser.add_option("-v", "--verbose", action = 'store_true', default = False, help = "verbosity")
(options, args) = parser.parse_args()
print >> sys.stderr, options
mesh_source, mesh_dest = get_mesh(options.source_total, options.destination_total, options.structured)
tree = scipy.spatial.KDTree(mesh_source.points)
open(options.output, 'w').write(mesh_source.for_qhull())
print >> sys.stderr, "wrote source mesh output to %s" % options.output
errors = []
success = 0
for x in mesh_dest.points:
lin, error, final = baker.run_baker(x, mesh_source, tree, options.extra, options.verbose)
exact = exact_func(x[0], x[1])
if np.abs(exact - final) < np.abs(exact - lin):
success += 1
if options.verbose:
print "current point : %s" % x
print "exact : %0.4f" % exact
print "qlin : %0.4f" % lin
print "q_final : %0.4f" % final
print "qlinerr : %0.4f" % (exact - lin,)
print "q_final_err : %0.4f" % (exact - final,)
cur_error = np.abs(final - exact)
print rms(errors)
print "%s of %s won" % (success, options.destination_total)