from baker import get_phis TOL = 1e-8 def contains(X, R): """ tests if X (point) is in R (a simplex, represented by a list of n-degree coordinates) """ phis = get_phis(X, R) r = True if [i for i in phis if i < 0.0 - TOL]: r = False return r class face(object): def __init__(self, name): = name self.verts = [] self.neighbors = [] def add_vert(self, v): """ v should be an index into grid.points """ self.verts.append(v) def add_neighbor(self, n): """ reference to another face object """ self.neighbors.append(n) def contains(self, X, G): """ X = point of interest G = corrensponding grid object (G.points) because of the way i'm storing things, a face simply stores indicies, and so one must pass in a reference to the grid object containing real points. this simply calls grid.simplex.contains """ return contains(X, [G.points[i] for i in self.verts]) def __str__(self): neighbors = [ for i in self.neighbors] return '%s: verts: %s neighbors: [%s]' %\ (, self.verts, ", ".join(neighbors) )