I spoke with Dr. Gorrell about first trying to call the nearest-neighbor routine, releasing the trapped exception where the matrix ends up being singular, and trapping it in the grid object's run_baker, where I could then call the connectivity-based lookup routine. Those are my next steps, as well as starting to think about pushing the 3D front ahead this week.
the qdelaunay app doesn't alway display all faces for a point. lame. I worked around it by creating the point-> face relationships manually.
There is a max recursion something happeneing when I try to save so pickle. look into this.
I spent some time writing a visualizer for blender. 10 lines of code. simple stuff.
next steps would be to move the KDTree into the mesh object. GOOD LUCK (me)!!
rename : bin/grid_driver.py => bin/grid_random.py
rename : bin/grid_driver.py => bin/grid_regular.py