# point This sample module shows how to create a type that implements the required interfaces to be used as a custom type with [github.com/jmoiron/sqlx](github.com/jmoiron/sqlx) package. Sample db table: ``` CREATE TABLE places (id SERIAL, name varchar(512), loc point); ``` and then use as such (err omitted for brevity): ``` type Location struct { Id int Name string Description string Loc Point // custom type } func main() { db, _ := sqlx.Connect( "postgres", "", ) loc := Location{} rows, _ := db.Queryx( `SELECT * FROM places`, ) for rows.Next() { rows.StructScan(&loc) fmt.Printf("%+v", loc) } db.Exec( "INSERT INTO places(name, loc) VALUES ($1, $3):, "some name" Point{3.14, 6.28}, ) } ```