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2013-12-29 01:03:07 -08:00
ostat is a go package that implements the efficient, accurate, and stable
calculation of [online](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Online_algorithm)
statistical quantities. More info on what is being implemented here can be
found on
2013-12-29 01:04:15 -08:00
2013-12-29 01:03:07 -08:00
2013-12-29 01:04:15 -08:00
The algorithm comes from *The Art of Computer Programing*, vol 2 by [Knuth](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Algorithms_for_calculating_variance#cite_note-5).
2013-12-29 01:03:07 -08:00
For documentation please refer to `ostat_test.go`.