package metrics import ( "fmt" "net/http" "time" "" "" ) // Metrics provides a simple way to track latency and http status type Metrics struct { latency *prometheus.SummaryVec status *prometheus.CounterVec } func New(prefix string) (*Metrics, error) { m := &Metrics{ latency: prometheus.NewSummaryVec(prometheus.SummaryOpts{ Namespace: prefix, Subsystem: "http", Name: "request_latency_ms", Help: "Latency in ms of http requests grouped by req path", }, []string{"path"}), status: prometheus.NewCounterVec(prometheus.CounterOpts{ Namespace: prefix, Subsystem: "http", Name: "status_count", Help: "The count of http responses issued classified by status and api endpoint", }, []string{"path", "code"}), } if err := m.registerPromMetrics(); err != nil { return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "registration") } return m, nil } // registerPromMetrics registers all the metrics that eventmanger uses. func (m *Metrics) registerPromMetrics() error { if err := prometheus.Register(m.latency); err != nil { return errors.Wrap(err, "http request latency") } if err := prometheus.Register(m.status); err != nil { return errors.Wrap(err, "http response counter") } return nil } // Wrap calls a http.Handler and tracks status code and latency. func (m *Metrics) Wrap(prefix string, h http.Handler) http.HandlerFunc { return m.WrapFunc(prefix, h.ServeHTTP) } // WrapFunc calls a http.Handler and tracks status code and latency. func (m *Metrics) WrapFunc(prefix string, h http.HandlerFunc) http.HandlerFunc { return func(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) { start := time.Now() defer func() { m.HTTPLatency(prefix, start) }() lw := NewStatusRecorder(w) h(lw, req) m.HTTPStatus(prefix, lw.Status()) } } // HTTPLatency records a request latency for a given url path. func (m *Metrics) HTTPLatency(path string, start time.Time) { m.latency.WithLabelValues(path).Observe(msSince(start)) } // HTTPStatus records counts of http statuses, bucketed according to status types. func (m *Metrics) HTTPStatus(path string, status int) { m.status.WithLabelValues(path, fmt.Sprintf("%d", bucketHTTPStatus(status))).Inc() } // bucketHTTPStatus rounds down to the nearest hundred to facilitate categorizing http statuses. func bucketHTTPStatus(i int) int { return i - i%100 } // msSince returns milliseconds since start. func msSince(start time.Time) float64 { return float64(time.Since(start)) / float64(time.Millisecond) } // buckets returns the default prometheus buckets scaled to milliseconds. func buckets() []float64 { r := []float64{} for _, v := range prometheus.DefBuckets { r = append(r, v*float64(time.Second/time.Millisecond)) } return r }