// Copyright © 2016 Alan A. A. Donovan & Brian W. Kernighan. // License: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/ //!+test package storage import ( "strings" "testing" ) func TestCheckQuotaNotifiesUser(t *testing.T) { var notifiedUser, notifiedMsg string notifyUser = func(user, msg string) { notifiedUser, notifiedMsg = user, msg } const user = "joe@example.org" usage[user] = 980000000 // simulate a 980MB-used condition CheckQuota(user) if notifiedUser == "" && notifiedMsg == "" { t.Fatalf("notifyUser not called") } if notifiedUser != user { t.Errorf("wrong user (%s) notified, want %s", notifiedUser, user) } const wantSubstring = "98% of your quota" if !strings.Contains(notifiedMsg, wantSubstring) { t.Errorf("unexpected notification message <<%s>>, "+ "want substring %q", notifiedMsg, wantSubstring) } } //!-test /* //!+defer func TestCheckQuotaNotifiesUser(t *testing.T) { // Save and restore original notifyUser. saved := notifyUser defer func() { notifyUser = saved }() // Install the test's fake notifyUser. var notifiedUser, notifiedMsg string notifyUser = func(user, msg string) { notifiedUser, notifiedMsg = user, msg } // ...rest of test... } //!-defer */