// Copyright © 2016 Alan A. A. Donovan & Brian W. Kernighan. // License: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/ // This file is just a place to put example code from the book. // It does not actually run any code in gopl.io/ch8/thumbnail. package thumbnail_test import ( "log" "os" "sync" "gopl.io/ch8/thumbnail" ) //!+1 // makeThumbnails makes thumbnails of the specified files. func makeThumbnails(filenames []string) { for _, f := range filenames { if _, err := thumbnail.ImageFile(f); err != nil { log.Println(err) } } } //!-1 //!+2 // NOTE: incorrect! func makeThumbnails2(filenames []string) { for _, f := range filenames { go thumbnail.ImageFile(f) // NOTE: ignoring errors } } //!-2 //!+3 // makeThumbnails3 makes thumbnails of the specified files in parallel. func makeThumbnails3(filenames []string) { ch := make(chan struct{}) for _, f := range filenames { go func(f string) { thumbnail.ImageFile(f) // NOTE: ignoring errors ch <- struct{}{} }(f) } // Wait for goroutines to complete. for range filenames { <-ch } } //!-3 //!+4 // makeThumbnails4 makes thumbnails for the specified files in parallel. // It returns an error if any step failed. func makeThumbnails4(filenames []string) error { errors := make(chan error) for _, f := range filenames { go func(f string) { _, err := thumbnail.ImageFile(f) errors <- err }(f) } for range filenames { if err := <-errors; err != nil { return err // NOTE: incorrect: goroutine leak! } } return nil } //!-4 //!+5 // makeThumbnails5 makes thumbnails for the specified files in parallel. // It returns the generated file names in an arbitrary order, // or an error if any step failed. func makeThumbnails5(filenames []string) (thumbfiles []string, err error) { type item struct { thumbfile string err error } ch := make(chan item, len(filenames)) for _, f := range filenames { go func(f string) { var it item it.thumbfile, it.err = thumbnail.ImageFile(f) ch <- it }(f) } for range filenames { it := <-ch if it.err != nil { return nil, it.err } thumbfiles = append(thumbfiles, it.thumbfile) } return thumbfiles, nil } //!-5 //!+6 // makeThumbnails6 makes thumbnails for each file received from the channel. // It returns the number of bytes occupied by the files it creates. func makeThumbnails6(filenames <-chan string) int64 { sizes := make(chan int64) var wg sync.WaitGroup // number of working goroutines for f := range filenames { wg.Add(1) // worker go func(f string) { defer wg.Done() thumb, err := thumbnail.ImageFile(f) if err != nil { log.Println(err) return } info, _ := os.Stat(thumb) // OK to ignore error sizes <- info.Size() }(f) } // closer go func() { wg.Wait() close(sizes) }() var total int64 for size := range sizes { total += size } return total } //!-6