
439 lines
10 KiB

package tiff
import (
// Format specifies the Go type equivalent used to represent the basic
// tiff data types.
type Format int
const (
IntVal Format = iota
var ErrShortReadTagValue = errors.New("tiff: short read of tag value")
var formatNames = map[Format]string{
IntVal: "int",
FloatVal: "float",
RatVal: "rational",
StringVal: "string",
UndefVal: "undefined",
OtherVal: "other",
// DataType represents the basic tiff tag data types.
type DataType uint16
const (
DTByte DataType = 1
DTAscii = 2
DTShort = 3
DTLong = 4
DTRational = 5
DTSByte = 6
DTUndefined = 7
DTSShort = 8
DTSLong = 9
DTSRational = 10
DTFloat = 11
DTDouble = 12
var typeNames = map[DataType]string{
DTByte: "byte",
DTAscii: "ascii",
DTShort: "short",
DTLong: "long",
DTRational: "rational",
DTSByte: "signed byte",
DTUndefined: "undefined",
DTSShort: "signed short",
DTSLong: "signed long",
DTSRational: "signed rational",
DTFloat: "float",
DTDouble: "double",
// typeSize specifies the size in bytes of each type.
var typeSize = map[DataType]uint32{
DTByte: 1,
DTAscii: 1,
DTShort: 2,
DTLong: 4,
DTRational: 8,
DTSByte: 1,
DTUndefined: 1,
DTSShort: 2,
DTSLong: 4,
DTSRational: 8,
DTFloat: 4,
DTDouble: 8,
// Tag reflects the parsed content of a tiff IFD tag.
type Tag struct {
// Id is the 2-byte tiff tag identifier.
Id uint16
// Type is an integer (1 through 12) indicating the tag value's data type.
Type DataType
// Count is the number of type Type stored in the tag's value (i.e. the
// tag's value is an array of type Type and length Count).
Count uint32
// Val holds the bytes that represent the tag's value.
Val []byte
// ValOffset holds byte offset of the tag value w.r.t. the beginning of the
// reader it was decoded from. Zero if the tag value fit inside the offset
// field.
ValOffset uint32
order binary.ByteOrder
intVals []int64
floatVals []float64
ratVals [][]int64
strVal string
format Format
// DecodeTag parses a tiff-encoded IFD tag from r and returns a Tag object. The
// first read from r should be the first byte of the tag. ReadAt offsets should
// generally be relative to the beginning of the tiff structure (not relative
// to the beginning of the tag).
func DecodeTag(r ReadAtReader, order binary.ByteOrder) (*Tag, error) {
t := new(Tag)
t.order = order
err := binary.Read(r, order, &t.Id)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.New("tiff: tag id read failed: " + err.Error())
err = binary.Read(r, order, &t.Type)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.New("tiff: tag type read failed: " + err.Error())
err = binary.Read(r, order, &t.Count)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.New("tiff: tag component count read failed: " + err.Error())
// There seems to be a relatively common corrupt tag which has a Count of
// MaxUint32. This is probably not a valid value, so return early.
if t.Count == 1<<32-1 {
return t, errors.New("invalid Count offset in tag")
valLen := typeSize[t.Type] * t.Count
if valLen == 0 {
return t, errors.New("zero length tag value")
if valLen > 4 {
binary.Read(r, order, &t.ValOffset)
// Use a bytes.Buffer so we don't allocate a huge slice if the tag
// is corrupt.
var buff bytes.Buffer
sr := io.NewSectionReader(r, int64(t.ValOffset), int64(valLen))
n, err := io.Copy(&buff, sr)
if err != nil {
return t, errors.New("tiff: tag value read failed: " + err.Error())
} else if n != int64(valLen) {
return t, ErrShortReadTagValue
t.Val = buff.Bytes()
} else {
val := make([]byte, valLen)
if _, err = io.ReadFull(r, val); err != nil {
return t, errors.New("tiff: tag offset read failed: " + err.Error())
// ignore padding.
if _, err = io.ReadFull(r, make([]byte, 4-valLen)); err != nil {
return t, errors.New("tiff: tag offset read failed: " + err.Error())
t.Val = val
return t, t.convertVals()
func (t *Tag) convertVals() error {
r := bytes.NewReader(t.Val)
switch t.Type {
case DTAscii:
if len(t.Val) > 0 {
t.strVal = string(t.Val[:len(t.Val)-1]) // ignore the last byte (NULL).
case DTByte:
var v uint8
t.intVals = make([]int64, int(t.Count))
for i := range t.intVals {
err := binary.Read(r, t.order, &v)
if err != nil {
return err
t.intVals[i] = int64(v)
case DTShort:
var v uint16
t.intVals = make([]int64, int(t.Count))
for i := range t.intVals {
err := binary.Read(r, t.order, &v)
if err != nil {
return err
t.intVals[i] = int64(v)
case DTLong:
var v uint32
t.intVals = make([]int64, int(t.Count))
for i := range t.intVals {
err := binary.Read(r, t.order, &v)
if err != nil {
return err
t.intVals[i] = int64(v)
case DTSByte:
var v int8
t.intVals = make([]int64, int(t.Count))
for i := range t.intVals {
err := binary.Read(r, t.order, &v)
if err != nil {
return err
t.intVals[i] = int64(v)
case DTSShort:
var v int16
t.intVals = make([]int64, int(t.Count))
for i := range t.intVals {
err := binary.Read(r, t.order, &v)
if err != nil {
return err
t.intVals[i] = int64(v)
case DTSLong:
var v int32
t.intVals = make([]int64, int(t.Count))
for i := range t.intVals {
err := binary.Read(r, t.order, &v)
if err != nil {
return err
t.intVals[i] = int64(v)
case DTRational:
t.ratVals = make([][]int64, int(t.Count))
for i := range t.ratVals {
var n, d uint32
err := binary.Read(r, t.order, &n)
if err != nil {
return err
err = binary.Read(r, t.order, &d)
if err != nil {
return err
t.ratVals[i] = []int64{int64(n), int64(d)}
case DTSRational:
t.ratVals = make([][]int64, int(t.Count))
for i := range t.ratVals {
var n, d int32
err := binary.Read(r, t.order, &n)
if err != nil {
return err
err = binary.Read(r, t.order, &d)
if err != nil {
return err
t.ratVals[i] = []int64{int64(n), int64(d)}
case DTFloat: // float32
t.floatVals = make([]float64, int(t.Count))
for i := range t.floatVals {
var v float32
err := binary.Read(r, t.order, &v)
if err != nil {
return err
t.floatVals[i] = float64(v)
case DTDouble:
t.floatVals = make([]float64, int(t.Count))
for i := range t.floatVals {
var u float64
err := binary.Read(r, t.order, &u)
if err != nil {
return err
t.floatVals[i] = u
switch t.Type {
case DTByte, DTShort, DTLong, DTSByte, DTSShort, DTSLong:
t.format = IntVal
case DTRational, DTSRational:
t.format = RatVal
case DTFloat, DTDouble:
t.format = FloatVal
case DTAscii:
t.format = StringVal
case DTUndefined:
t.format = UndefVal
t.format = OtherVal
return nil
// Format returns a value indicating which method can be called to retrieve the
// tag's value properly typed (e.g. integer, rational, etc.).
func (t *Tag) Format() Format { return t.format }
func (t *Tag) typeErr(to Format) error {
return &wrongFmtErr{typeNames[t.Type], formatNames[to]}
// Rat returns the tag's i'th value as a rational number. It returns a nil and
// an error if this tag's Format is not RatVal. It panics for zero deminators
// or if i is out of range.
func (t *Tag) Rat(i int) (*big.Rat, error) {
n, d, err := t.Rat2(i)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return big.NewRat(n, d), nil
// Rat2 returns the tag's i'th value as a rational number represented by a
// numerator-denominator pair. It returns an error if the tag's Format is not
// RatVal. It panics if i is out of range.
func (t *Tag) Rat2(i int) (num, den int64, err error) {
if t.format != RatVal {
return 0, 0, t.typeErr(RatVal)
return t.ratVals[i][0], t.ratVals[i][1], nil
// Int64 returns the tag's i'th value as an integer. It returns an error if the
// tag's Format is not IntVal. It panics if i is out of range.
func (t *Tag) Int64(i int) (int64, error) {
if t.format != IntVal {
return 0, t.typeErr(IntVal)
return t.intVals[i], nil
// Int returns the tag's i'th value as an integer. It returns an error if the
// tag's Format is not IntVal. It panics if i is out of range.
func (t *Tag) Int(i int) (int, error) {
if t.format != IntVal {
return 0, t.typeErr(IntVal)
return int(t.intVals[i]), nil
// Float returns the tag's i'th value as a float. It returns an error if the
// tag's Format is not IntVal. It panics if i is out of range.
func (t *Tag) Float(i int) (float64, error) {
if t.format != FloatVal {
return 0, t.typeErr(FloatVal)
return t.floatVals[i], nil
// StringVal returns the tag's value as a string. It returns an error if the
// tag's Format is not StringVal. It panics if i is out of range.
func (t *Tag) StringVal() (string, error) {
if t.format != StringVal {
return "", t.typeErr(StringVal)
return t.strVal, nil
// String returns a nicely formatted version of the tag.
func (t *Tag) String() string {
data, err := t.MarshalJSON()
if err != nil {
return "ERROR: " + err.Error()
if t.Count == 1 {
return strings.Trim(fmt.Sprintf("%s", data), "[]")
return fmt.Sprintf("%s", data)
func (t *Tag) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
switch t.format {
case StringVal, UndefVal:
return nullString(t.Val), nil
case OtherVal:
return []byte(fmt.Sprintf("unknown tag type '%v'", t.Type)), nil
rv := []string{}
for i := 0; i < int(t.Count); i++ {
switch t.format {
case RatVal:
n, d, _ := t.Rat2(i)
rv = append(rv, fmt.Sprintf(`"%v/%v"`, n, d))
case FloatVal:
v, _ := t.Float(i)
rv = append(rv, fmt.Sprintf("%v", v))
case IntVal:
v, _ := t.Int(i)
rv = append(rv, fmt.Sprintf("%v", v))
return []byte(fmt.Sprintf(`[%s]`, strings.Join(rv, ","))), nil
func nullString(in []byte) []byte {
rv := bytes.Buffer{}
for _, b := range in {
if unicode.IsPrint(rune(b)) {
rvb := rv.Bytes()
if utf8.Valid(rvb) {
return rvb
return []byte(`""`)
type wrongFmtErr struct {
From, To string
func (e *wrongFmtErr) Error() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("cannot convert tag type '%v' into '%v'", e.From, e.To)