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package govector
import (
func TestSubMag(t *testing.T) {
p1 := Point2d{10, 10}
p2 := Point2d{7, 6}
v := p1.Sub(p2)
if v != (Vector2d{3, 4}) {
t.Errorf("Sub Error")
m := v.Mag()
if m != 5 {
t.Errorf("Mag Error")
func TestScale(t *testing.T) {
v := Vector2d{3, 4}
m := v.Mag()
if m != 5 {
t.Errorf("Mag Error")
m2 := v.Scale(2)
if m2.Mag() != 10 {
t.Errorf("Mag Error")
func TestAdd(t *testing.T) {
p := Point2d{10, 10}
v := Vector2d{3, 4}
m := p.Add(v)
if m.X != 13 && m.Y != 14 {
t.Errorf("Add Error")
func TestNormalize(t *testing.T) {
v := Vector2d{3, 4}
vn := v.Normalize()
if vn.Mag() != 1 {
t.Errorf("Normalize Error")
v0 := Vector2d{0, 0}
vn0 := v0.Normalize()
if vn0.Mag() != 0 {
t.Errorf("Normalize Error")
func TestDot(t *testing.T) {
v1 := Vector2d{0, 5}
v2 := Vector2d{5, 0}
d := v1.Dot(v2)
if d != 0 {
t.Errorf("Dot Error")
v1 = Vector2d{1, 5}
v2 = Vector2d{5, 0}
d = v1.Dot(v2)
if d < 0 {
t.Errorf("Dot Error")
v1 = Vector2d{-1, 5}
v2 = Vector2d{5, 0}
d = v1.Dot(v2)
if d > 0 {
t.Errorf("Dot Error")
v1 = Vector2d{5, 5}
v2 = Vector2d{5, 0}
v1 = v1.Normalize()
v2 = v2.Normalize()
d = v1.Dot(v2)
if math.Abs(float64(d)-math.Acos(math.Pi/4)) < 0.0001 {
t.Errorf("Dot Error")
func TestIntersection(t *testing.T) {
p1 := Point2d{0, 5}
p2 := Point2d{5, 0}
v1 := Vector2d{10, 0}
v2 := Vector2d{0, 10}
i, _ := Intersection(p1, p2, v1, v2)
if !i {
t.Errorf("Intersection Error")
p1 = Point2d{20, 5}
p2 = Point2d{5, 0}
v1 = Vector2d{10, 0}
v2 = Vector2d{0, 10}
i, _ = Intersection(p1, p2, v1, v2)
if i {
t.Errorf("Intersection Error")
func TestAngle(t *testing.T) {
v1 := Vector2d{10, 0}
v2 := Vector2d{0, 10}
a := Angle(v2, v1)
if math.Abs(float64(a))-math.Pi/2 > Epsilon {
t.Errorf("Angle Error")
v1 = Vector2d{5, 0}
v2 = Vector2d{10, 10}
a = Angle(v1, v2)
if math.Abs(float64(a))-math.Pi/4 > Epsilon {
t.Errorf("Angle Error")
func TestRotate(t *testing.T) {
v1 := Vector2d{10, 0}
v2 := v1.Rotate(math.Pi / 2)
if v2.X > Epsilon || v2.Y-10 > Epsilon {
t.Errorf("Rotate Error")
v1 = Vector2d{1, 0}
v2 = v1.Rotate(-30 * Deg2rad)
if v2.X-0.866025403784438 > Epsilon || v2.Y+0.5 > Epsilon {
t.Errorf("Rotate Error")
func TestPtInRect(t *testing.T) {
p1 := Point2d{10, 0}
p2 := Point2d{10, 10}
p3 := Point2d{11, 10000}
p4 := Point2d{0, 0}
pA := Point2d{5, 5}
pB := Point2d{15, 15}
r := AABB2d{
A: pA,
B: pB,
out := PointInRect(p1, r)
if out != false {
t.Errorf("PointInRect Error")
out = PointInRect(p2, r)
if out != true {
t.Errorf("PointInRect Error")
out = PointInRect(p3, r)
if out != false {
t.Errorf("PointInRect Error")
out = PointInRect(p4, r)
if out != false {
t.Errorf("PointInRect Error")
func TestRectIntersect(t *testing.T) {
p1 := Point2d{10, 0}
v1 := Vector2d{0, 10}
pA := Point2d{5, 5}
pB := Point2d{15, 15}
r := AABB2d{
A: pA,
B: pB,
coll, inside, pos := RectIntersection(r, p1, v1)
if coll != true {
t.Errorf("RectIntersection Error")
if inside != false {
t.Errorf("RectIntersection Error")
if pos.X != 10 && pos.Y != 5 {
t.Errorf("RectIntersection Error")
func TestRectRectIntersectionTrue(t *testing.T) {
r1 := AABB2d{Point2d{10, 10}, Point2d{20, 20}}
r2 := AABB2d{Point2d{15, 15}, Point2d{25, 25}}
col := RectRectIntersection(r1, r2)
if !col {
t.Errorf("RectRect Error")
r1 = AABB2d{Point2d{10, 10}, Point2d{20, 20}}
r2 = AABB2d{Point2d{5, 15}, Point2d{30, 25}}
col = RectRectIntersection(r1, r2)
if !col {
t.Errorf("RectRect Error")
func TestRectRectIntersectionFalse(t *testing.T) {
r1 := AABB2d{Point2d{10, 10}, Point2d{14, 14}}
r2 := AABB2d{Point2d{15, 15}, Point2d{25, 25}}
col := RectRectIntersection(r1, r2)
if col {
t.Errorf("RectRect Error")
func TestPolyIntersect(t *testing.T) {
p1 := Polygon2d{}
p1.Points = append(p1.Points, Vector2d{3, 3})
p1.Points = append(p1.Points, Vector2d{5, 5})
p1.Points = append(p1.Points, Vector2d{5, 3})
i, _ := PolygonIntersection(p1, Point2d{0, 0}, Vector2d{10, 10})
if i {
t.Errorf("PolyIntersect Error")
func TestPolyIntersectFail(t *testing.T) {
p1 := Polygon2d{}
p1.Points = append(p1.Points, Vector2d{3, 3})
p1.Points = append(p1.Points, Vector2d{5, 5})
p1.Points = append(p1.Points, Vector2d{5, 3})
i, _ := PolygonIntersection(p1, Point2d{0, 0}, Vector2d{-10, -10})
if i {
t.Errorf("PolyIntersect Error")
func TestPolyIntersectTwoHits(t *testing.T) {
p1 := Polygon2d{}
p1.Points = append(p1.Points, Vector2d{0, 0})
p1.Points = append(p1.Points, Vector2d{0, 10})
p1.Points = append(p1.Points, Vector2d{10, 10})
p1.Points = append(p1.Points, Vector2d{10, 0})
i, p := PolygonIntersection(p1, Point2d{-1, 5}, Vector2d{20, 0})
if !i || (p.X != 0 && p.Y != 5) {
t.Errorf("PolyIntersect Error")
func TestPolyPolyIntersect(t *testing.T) {
p1 := Polygon2d{}
p1.Points = append(p1.Points, Vector2d{0, 0})
p1.Points = append(p1.Points, Vector2d{0, 10})
p1.Points = append(p1.Points, Vector2d{10, 10})
p1.Points = append(p1.Points, Vector2d{10, 0})
p2 := Polygon2d{}
p2.Origin = Point2d{5, 5}
p2.Points = append(p2.Points, Vector2d{0, 0})
p2.Points = append(p2.Points, Vector2d{0, 10})
p2.Points = append(p2.Points, Vector2d{10, 10})
p2.Points = append(p2.Points, Vector2d{10, 0})
i, m, _ := PolyPolyIntersection(p1, Vector2d{0, 0}, p2)
if !i || !m {
t.Errorf("should not have intersected")
func TestPolyPolyIntersectMoving(t *testing.T) {
p1 := Polygon2d{}
p1.Points = append(p1.Points, Vector2d{0, 0})
p1.Points = append(p1.Points, Vector2d{0, 10})
p1.Points = append(p1.Points, Vector2d{10, 10})
p1.Points = append(p1.Points, Vector2d{10, 0})
p2 := Polygon2d{}
p2.Origin = Point2d{15, 15}
p2.Points = append(p2.Points, Vector2d{0, 0})
p2.Points = append(p2.Points, Vector2d{0, 10})
p2.Points = append(p2.Points, Vector2d{10, 10})
p2.Points = append(p2.Points, Vector2d{10, 0})
i, m, _ := PolyPolyIntersection(p1, Vector2d{10, 10}, p2)
if i || !m {
t.Errorf("should not have intersected")
func TestPolyPolyIntersectFail(t *testing.T) {
p1 := Polygon2d{}
p1.Points = append(p1.Points, Vector2d{0, 0})
p1.Points = append(p1.Points, Vector2d{0, 10})
p1.Points = append(p1.Points, Vector2d{10, 10})
p1.Points = append(p1.Points, Vector2d{10, 0})
p2 := Polygon2d{}
p2.Origin = Point2d{15, 15}
p2.Points = append(p2.Points, Vector2d{0, 0})
p2.Points = append(p2.Points, Vector2d{0, 10})
p2.Points = append(p2.Points, Vector2d{10, 10})
p2.Points = append(p2.Points, Vector2d{10, 0})
i, m, _ := PolyPolyIntersection(p1, Vector2d{0, 0}, p2)
if i || m {
t.Errorf("should not have intersected")
func TestOrientedSquare(t *testing.T) {
p := OrientedSquare(Point2d{10, 10}, Vector2d{0.5, 0.5}, 5)
expected := []Vector2d{
{0, 7.071068},
{-7.071068, 0},
{0, -7.071068},
{7.071068, 0},
for i, v := range expected {
if p.Points[i] != v {
t.Errorf("unexpected points: %+v, expected: %+v", p.Points, expected)