stephen mcquay 446eba5209 vantiy urls
I've moved remote to and stood up routes for go
get on the hackerbots repos. I had to update the imports for this to take
2015-04-30 23:07:21 -07:00

123 lines
2.6 KiB

package server
import (
v ""
// Projectile are the things robots can shoot at eachother.
type Projectile struct {
Id string `json:"id"`
Position v.Point2d `json:"position"`
MoveTo v.Point2d `json:"-"`
Radius int `json:"-"`
Speed float64 `json:"-"`
Damage int `json:"-"`
Owner *Robot `json:"-"`
Delta float64
// Projectile.Tick is called every game tick and moves projectiles along,
// determines when they should blow up, and how damaage is propagated to
// players.
func (p *Projectile) Tick(g *Game) {
vec := p.MoveTo.Sub(p.Position)
v_norm := vec.Normalize()
v_scaled := v_norm.Scale(p.Speed * p.Delta)
newPos := p.Position.Add(v_scaled)
hit_player := false
for player := range g.players {
for _, r := range player.Robots {
if r == p.Owner {
player_rect := v.AASquareAtPoint(r.Position, 3)
collision, _, _ := v.RectIntersection(player_rect, p.Position, v_scaled)
if collision {
hit_player = true
if r.Health > 0 {
// Direct hit causes more damage
log.Printf("Direct Hit %v, Dmg:%v", r.Id, p.Damage)
r.Health -= p.Damage
r.Hit = true
if r.Health <= 0 {
// Are we going to intersect the destination zone in this tick?
r_dest := v.AASquareAtPoint(p.MoveTo, 3.0)
travel := newPos.Sub(p.Position)
arrived, _, pos := v.RectIntersection(r_dest, p.Position, travel)
if !arrived {
for _, obj := range g.obstacles {
collision, _, pos := v.RectIntersection(obj.Bounds, p.Position, travel)
if collision {
arrived = true
if pos != nil {
p.Position = *pos
obj.Hp -= p.Damage
// if obj.Hp < 0 {
// delete(g.obstacles, i)
// }
} else {
if pos != nil {
p.Position = *pos
if arrived || hit_player {
delete(g.projectiles, p)
// Spawn a splosion
splo := &Splosion{
Id: p.Id,
Position: p.Position,
Radius: p.Radius,
Lifespan: 8,
g.splosions[splo] = true
for player := range g.players {
for _, r := range player.Robots {
dist := v.Distance(r.Position, p.Position)
if dist < float64(p.Radius) {
if r.Health > 0 {
r.Health -= p.Damage
r.Hit = true
if r.Health <= 0 {
if r == p.Owner {
} else {
} else {
p.Position.X = newPos.X
p.Position.Y = newPos.Y