Working through exercises in "The Go Programming Language."
Updated 2016-01-15 10:25:17 -08:00
go template example
Updated 2015-06-22 19:49:35 -07:00
This is just me following along in Rob Pike's presentation on concurrency in go:
Updated 2015-04-12 22:51:47 -07:00
a bunch of trashy and useful `io.Reader` implementations
Updated 2017-12-27 22:32:12 -08:00
confirms your hunch that the phrase of which you're thinking is already in urban dictionary
Updated 2016-02-13 23:51:49 -08:00
confirms your hunch that the phrase of which you're thinking is already in urban dictionary
Updated 2016-06-02 11:09:00 -07:00
Prints uuids
Updated 2017-11-21 09:43:37 -08:00
Program that simply prints out a version string.
Updated 2018-03-03 21:42:09 -08:00