Contains the source code from the course work throughout my undergraduate Computer Engineering degree at Brigham Young University. There is a mixture of Go, Python, C, C++, Java, VHDL, Verilog, Matlab, Bash, Assembly, etc..
Updated 2016-04-10 10:12:10 -07:00
Updated 2018-05-16 16:12:49 -07:00
Simple cli tool for serving files in a directory. A silly excuse for me to write something tiny in go.
Updated 2018-03-23 09:29:14 -07:00
Updated 2018-05-18 11:53:32 -07:00
example of how to configure a TLS server in go.
Updated 2016-02-01 20:54:56 -08:00
Updated 2015-04-11 23:12:53 -07:00
Updated 2018-05-16 15:52:56 -07:00
Results of my master's thesis
Updated 2015-04-11 23:05:33 -07:00