#include using namespace std; #include "menu.h" void get_index(people & p, unsigned int & a, string msg="") { cout << msg; cin >> a; if(a >= p.size()) { throw string("Not in range!!"); } } void get_two_indices(people & p, unsigned int & a, unsigned int & b) { if(p.size() < 2) { throw string("Not enough people to perform this operation."); } get_index(p, a, "enter first index: "); get_index(p, b, "enter second index: "); if(a == b) { throw string("indices need to be different"); } } ostream & operator<<(ostream & os, const menu & m) { for(auto i: menu_items) { os << " " << i << endl; } os << "your selection: "; return os; }