package main import ( "bytes" "encoding/json" "fmt" "log" "os/exec" "regexp" "strconv" "strings" "" ) type command struct { node string hc string } type healthCheck struct { Name string `json:"name"` PodSpecs []struct { Type string `json:"type"` TaskSpecs []struct { HealthCheckSpec struct { Command string `json:"command"` } `json:"health-check-spec"` } `json:"task-specs"` } `json:"pod-specs"` } type serviceIPs struct { Name string `json:"name"` Statuses []struct { ContainerStatus struct { NetworkInfos []struct { IPAddresses []struct { IPAddress string `json:"ip_address"` } `json:"ip_addresses"` } `json:"network_infos"` } `json:"container_status"` } `json:"statuses"` } func getHealthCheck() healthCheck { cmd := exec.Command("dcos", "kubernetes", "config", "target") var out bytes.Buffer cmd.Stdout = &out err := cmd.Run() if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } h := healthCheck{} if err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(out.String()), &h); err != nil { panic(err) } return h } func getServiceIPs() []serviceIPs { cmd := exec.Command("dcos", "task", "--json") var out bytes.Buffer cmd.Stdout = &out err := cmd.Run() if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } s := []serviceIPs{} if err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(out.String()), &s); err != nil { panic(err) } // get rid of kubernetes pod //for i, n := range s { // if n.Name == "kubernetes" { // s = append(s[:i], s[i+1:]...) // } //} return s } func addAPIServer(n string, ips []serviceIPs) string { for _, i := range ips { if strings.Contains(i.Name, n) { return i.Statuses[0].ContainerStatus.NetworkInfos[0].IPAddresses[0].IPAddress } } return "" } func stripHealthCheck(n string, hcs healthCheck) string { for _, j := range hcs.PodSpecs { if strings.Contains(n, j.Type) { if len(j.TaskSpecs) != 0 { return j.TaskSpecs[0].HealthCheckSpec.Command } return "" } } return "" } func getPodInstanceIndex(n string) (int, error) { re := regexp.MustCompile("[0-9]") index := re.FindString(n) i, err := strconv.Atoi(index) return i, err } func buildCommands(hcs healthCheck, ips []serviceIPs) []command { commands := []command{} for _, s := range ips { if strings.Contains(s.Name, "apiserver") { index, err := getPodInstanceIndex(s.Name) if err != nil { log.Fatal("failed to get pod index for build command: ", err) } c := strings.Replace(stripHealthCheck(s.Name, hcs), "$POD_INSTANCE_INDEX", strconv.Itoa(index), -1) commands = append(commands, command{node: s.Name, hc: c}) } else if strings.Contains(s.Name, "etcd") { index, err := getPodInstanceIndex(s.Name) if err != nil { log.Fatal("failed to get pod index for build command: ", err) } c := strings.Replace(stripHealthCheck(s.Name, hcs), "$POD_INSTANCE_INDEX", strconv.Itoa(index), -1) c = strings.Replace(c, "$ETCD_LISTEN_CLIENT_PORT", "2379", -1) commands = append(commands, command{node: s.Name, hc: c}) //https://etcd-$POD_INSTANCE_INDEX-peer.{{FRAMEWORK_NAME}}.mesos:$ETCD_LISTEN_CLIENT_PORT/health } else { //commands = append(commands, command{node: s.Name, hc: stripHealthCheck(s.Name, hcs)}) } } return commands } func main() { //var wg sync.WaitGroup hcs := getHealthCheck() ips := getServiceIPs() //for _, i := range hcs.PodSpecs { // fmt.Println(i) //} //fmt.Println("\n\n\n") //fmt.Printf("%+v\n", hcs) //fmt.Println("\n\n\n") //fmt.Printf("%+v\n", ips) //fmt.Println("\n\n\n") hosts := buildCommands(hcs, ips) //for i, j := range hosts { // fmt.Printf("%d %+v\n", i, j) //} //fmt.Println(hosts) //time.Sleep(time.Second * 5) for _, n := range hosts { //wg.Add(1) //go func(c command) { //defer wg.Done() // s := strings.Split(n.hc, " ") //if len(s) != 3 { // log.Printf("could not be split: %v", s) // return //} //for i, j := range s { // fmt.Println(i, j) //} cmd := exec.Command( "dcos", "task", "exec", n.node, n.hc, //s[0], //s[1], //s[2], //s[3], //s[4], //s[5], //s[6], //s[7], //s[8], ) var out bytes.Buffer cmd.Stdout = &out err := cmd.Run() if err != nil { log.Printf("failed for %v with:", n, err) return } if strings.Contains(out.String(), "ok") || strings.Contains(out.String(), "true") { color.Green("%s", n.node) } else { color.Red(fmt.Sprintf("%s: \t%q\n", n.node, out.String())) } //}(n) } // wg.Wait() }